Acupuncture is practiced by inserting thin, single-use needles in various places in the body. By doing so, we bring the body’s attention to a particular area and stimulate it to heal. Needles are not always inserted in the exact spot of the problem. Our bodies are complex and everything within them is connected.

Eastern Herbalism is an ancient tradition, steeped in the culture from which it hails. Many herbs and minerals are used to formulate elegant prescriptions to fit each individual person. Best of all, herbs are much safer than pharmaceuticals and have minimal side effects.

Cupping is preformed by creating suction on the skin. This is done by either glass cups with fire or with a pneumatic cupping set. Suction brings fresh blood flow to the area, getting rid of various stagnations (such as trigger points, etc.) This technique is generally used for pain relief.

Gua Sha is a gentle scraping technique that brings fresh blood flow to the area. Scraping can be done with anything form a specialized tool to a spoon. Gua Sha is generally used for pain, as well as to relieve symptoms of a cold.